TeamSpeak 3 (TS3) OSD Module for Linux
This was written using TeamSpeak 3.0.17, API 20. So if it doesn't work on a future version you have a reference point.
It uses dzen2 to produce the overlay window. You can get that by typing (debian style systems):
sudo apt-get install dzen2
put the files into your /[ts3]/plugins/lua_plugin/osdmodule/ folder
Example: ~/.ts3client/plugins/lua_plugin/osdmodule/
You'll need to go to Tools - Options
AddOns - Plugins.
Check Lua Plugin.
Select Lua Plugin.
Click Settings.
Check osdmodule.
You can uncheck testmodule.
You may need to reload all, or just restart TS3.
To test it you can type "/lua run osdmodule.test" into the TS3 chat window.