- 1
FilamentRunout causes message flickering on NEW Anycubic DISPLAY (DARK BLUE)
#18 opened by illuminati05 - 0
New requirement for "Filament sensor message cannot be canceled" when starting when using an external sensor
#11 opened by raindancer2204 - 1
Maximum possible temperature in Configuration.h is reduced by 15 degress in temperature.h
#17 opened by illuminati05 - 4
- 1
- 1
TMC 2208 with linear advance and stelathcop stops extruder motor during print
#16 opened by illuminati05 - 4
- 9
Chiron with firmware 1.3.5, new LCD supported?
#10 opened by gaby64 - 0
Z raise before power loss
#9 opened by illuminati05 - 1
- 2
Motor extruder stop
#7 opened by wayp55 - 2
Dual Z Homing issue
#6 opened by cryoplay - 6
Filament Runout sensor
#5 opened by NellyGTI - 5
hello, one problem with your firmware on my Chiron: when i want to perform a auto bed level with the sensor, after homing the head moves too high and then the sensor stops before reaching the bed, any idea? Christophe
#4 opened by CMET64 - 16
SD Card Reader don't work.
#3 opened by cryoplay - 2
#1 opened by faschi - 1
Pin layout for tmc2208 UART
#2 opened by Laurens95