
Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0



  • A tiny library (8kB)
  • with minimal public API (3 classes, 6 methods, 21 fields)
  • for convenient access to standardized directories
  • on Linux, Windows (≥ 7) and macOS
  • running on the JVM

The library provides the location of directories by leveraging the mechanisms defined by


Add the library as a dependency to your project:

compile 'io.github.soc:directories:5'
"io.github.soc" % "directories" % "5"

Library run by a user with user name "my_user_name" on Linux:

import io.github.soc.directories.ProjectDirectories;
ProjectDirectories myProjDirs      = ProjectDirectories.fromProjectName("My Project");
String             myProjConfigDir = myProjDirs.projectConfigDir;
System.out.println(myProjConfigDir); // "/home/my_user_name/.config/my-project/"



The intended use-case for BaseDirectories is to query the paths of standard folders that have been defined according to the conventions of operating system the library is running on.

If you want to compute the location of cache, config or data folders for your own application or project, use ProjectDirectories instead.

Static field name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
homeDir $HOME {SpecialFolder.UserProfile} $HOME
cacheDir $XDG_CACHE_DIR or ~/.cache/ {SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData}/cache/ $HOME/Library/Caches/
configDir $XDG_CONFIG_DIR or ~/.config/ {SpecialFolder.ApplicationData} $HOME/Library/Preferences/
dataDir $XDG_DATA_DIR or ~/.local/share/ {SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData} $HOME/Library/Application Support/
dataRoamingDir $XDG_DATA_DIR or ~/.local/share/ {SpecialFolder.ApplicationData} $HOME/Library/Application Support/
runtimeDir $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR null null
desktopDir XDG_DESKTOP_DIR {SpecialFolder.Desktop} $HOME/Desktop/
documentsDir XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR {SpecialFolder.Documents} $HOME/Documents/
downloadDir XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR {SpecialFolder.Downloads} $HOME/Downloads/
musicDir XDG_MUSIC_DIR {SpecialFolder.Music} $HOME/Music/
picturesDir XDG_PICTURES_DIR {SpecialFolder.Pictures} $HOME/Pictures/
publicDir XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR {SpecialFolder.Public} $HOME/Public/
templatesDir XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR {SpecialFolder.Templates} null
videosDir XDG_VIDEOS_DIR {SpecialFolder.Videos} $HOME/Movies/
executablesDir $XDG_DATA_HOME/../bin/ or $HOME/.local/bin/ null $HOME/Applications/
fontsDir $XDG_DATA_HOME/fonts/ or /.local/share/fonts/ null $HOME/Library/Fonts/


The intended use-case for BaseDirectories is to compute the location of cache, config or data folders for your own application or project, which are derived from the standardized directories.

Instance field name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
projectCacheDir $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or ~/.config/_yourprojectname_/ {SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData}/cache/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Preferences/_yourprojectname_/
projectConfigDir $XDG_CACHE_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or ~/.cache/_yourprojectname_/ {SpecialFolder.ApplicationData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Caches/_yourprojectname_/
projectDataDir $XDG_DATA_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or ~/.local/share/_yourprojectname_/ {SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Application Support/_yourprojectname_/
projectDataRoamingDir $XDG_DATA_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or ~/.local/share/_yourprojectname_/ {SpecialFolder.ApplicationData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Application Support/_yourprojectname_/

The specific value of _yourprojectname_ depends on the factory method used to create a ProjectDirectories instance:

Factory method Example project name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
fromUnprocessedString "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App"
fromProjectName "FooBar App" "foobar-app" "FooBar App" "FooBar App"
fromFullyQualifiedProjectName "org.foobar-corp.FooBarApp" "foobarapp" "FooBarApp" "org.foobar-corp.FooBarApp"


The version number of this library consists of a whole number, which is incremented with each release.