
Continuous Buffer

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

What is CB?

CB is an experiment toward a language runtime which targets at least the following features:

  • Wait-free Garbage Collection (GC)
  • M:N threading
  • Value-based semantics
  • Persistent data structures

It is hoped that this runtime will ultimately:

  • Be an extremely performant M:N runtime for future language syntax(es)
  • Allow use of Garbage Collection even in low-latency applications
  • Offer a simple and elegant conceptual framework of implementation
  • Eliminate distinctions between stack vs. dynamic (heap) allocation


  • Minimally, a Garbage Collector reclaims no-longer-used areas of memory for use by future allocations. Simply reclaiming these areas of memory where they exist permits increasing fragmentation over time. Fragmentation is essentially small areas of available memory interspersed between allocated areas such that the total quantity of available memory exceeds a requested allocation, but there doesn't exist a contiguous amount of available memory sufficient to fulfill the requested allocation. To avoid such undesirable fragmentation, a Garbage Collector may also perform consolidation of the no-longer-used memory in a phase known as "compaction".
  • Compaction must make the no-longer-used areas of memory contiguous with one another. This implies that the still-in-use areas of memory will also become contiguous with one another. This implies that some still-in-use areas of memory must be relocated from where they have existed in memory to some new location.
  • Relocation of in-use areas of memory is problematic for program state directly holding addresses of old locations (e.g. Java references and C/C++ pointers). Typically as part of the garbage collection all such references need to be rewritten to point to the new consolidated locations. While these references are being rewritten to point to their new locations the Mutator thread(s) must pause, which is what causes garbage collection pauses.
  • RAM is essentially an address -> value O(1) mapping. In the model of C/C++, every byte of RAM is directly referencable/addressable via a char*, but this is not necessary for a programming language. The very successful Java language (among others) has shown it is sufficient to have references which can only refer to class instances, without providing pointers that can refer to any byte.
  • Under the covers, Java references are implemented as containing an address whose valid values are a much sparser set than C/C++ (not being allowed to point to just any byte, but rather just to the start byte of instances). The address is an implementation detail and is not exposed to the programmer. An alternate implementation of references could instead hold a non-address "handle" as long as there were a way for the VM to ultimately translate this handle into the needed address of the referred-to structure. This requires a lookup by the VM of handle -> address whenever a reference would be be dereferenced. Having this layer of abstraction would allow the Compaction phase to rewrite only this lookup table instead of every reference's contained address throughout all of the program state.

Sketch of Wait-free GC Mechanism

  • The program thread (a.k.a. "Mutator") to hold 3 maps of handle -> address: A, B, C.
  • Mutator only ever modifies C.
  • These maps have a precedence: entries in C supersede entries in B which supersede entries in A. (It can be said that C "overlays" B "overlays" A.)
  • When Mutator needs to lookup an address for a given handle it checks C then B then A, stopping when it finds the entry.
  • Deletions of an entry for handle h must be performed by storing a mapping h -> TOMBSTONE in C, because a simple deletion of h in C would otherwise allow an entry for h to "peek through" from B or A.
  • Asynchronously to the Mutator, the GC thread can consolidate and merge maps A and B into a merged map M. (M gets then union of A's and B's keys minus B's keys whose value was TOMBSTONE, then all data at the addresses get relocated and the addresses updated.)
  • Once the GC has completed its consolidation, it can inform the Mutator of M, which can then atomically do: A=M, B=C, C=(empty) (these should be seen as cheap pointer-like assignments, not recursive actions).
  • This cycle repeats over time, such that the C map migrates to B, which will eventually get merged by the GC with A, allowing the Mutator to never have to stop for GC consolidations.

Q: "Won't the deallocation of the old A and B maps cause work for the Mutator?"

A: No, we can deallocate A and B en-masse based on how allocations will only have increasing offsets and how we calculate our used-data-range of the ring-buffer. The used-data-range of the ring-buffer goes from LOW = min(lowest_offset(A), lowest_offset(B), lowest_offset(C)) to HIGH = cursor (the ring-buffer's next-allocation cursor). As each A map was formerly a B map, and each B map was formerly a C map, note that the following is true for a given set of maps: lowest_offset(A) < lowest_offset(B) < lowest_offset(C).
Also, as the maps get reassigned by Mutator upon notifcation of GC consolidation, note that the following will be true: lowest_offset(old_A) < lowest_offset(M) AND lowest_offset(old_B) < lowest_offset(M). This is because M must necessarily have been constructed after A and B, so it will have a higher lowest_offset than both of them. As such, upon the reassignment of the maps and recalculation of LOW, the old_A and old_B maps will exist below LOW (LOW having been essentially recalculated as LOW = min(lowest_offset(M), lowest_offset(old_C), lowest_offset(new_C)). This means old_A and old_B now exist outside the used data range (LOW..HIGH) of the ring-buffer, which means those locations are considered deallocated and free for reuse with no further action.

Q: "Will the Mutator and GC need to contend through atomic operations on the ring-buffer's cursor?"

A: No, Mutator can initiate the GC collection by preallocating a region in the ring-buffer which is size(A) + size(B) and then passing that region to GC to be filled in with M. Note that this doesn't affect M's relative placement to A and B: M will still exist after A and B.

Q: "What happens when the offset reaches the end of the ring-buffer and as such gets modulo'd down to a lower value? Then the above comparisons won't work, right?"

A: We keep the offsets in a pre-modulo'd state (actually, "pre-masked" as we use power-of-2 ring-buffer sizes), modulo'ing into the ring-buffer's memory only as necessary. This allows the above comparisons to stay valid.

Q: "OK, but what happens when your offset's datatype overflows and wraps around, then the comparisons must fail, right?"

A: The above comparison operator is a simplification. In actuality, we'll be using Serial Number Arithmetic (see below) which will prevent problems with wrap-around comparisons.

Q: "You've been shifting between addresses and offsets in your descriptions, could you clarify?"

A: Yes, sorry, I am trying to ease concept introduction. An allocations within the ring-buffer will return an offset, not an address. However, this offset is efficiently resolvable into an address: ADDRESS = (offset & (ringbuffer.power_of_2_size - 1)). The purpose of using offsets instead of addresses is to abstract over ring-buffer resizes (the offsets will still apply to the larger ring-buffer, but resolve to a new actual address). Above, where we create A, B, and C maps of handle -> address it is actually more correct to say they are handle -> offset maps.

Q: "It seems you'd want to use O(1) hashtables for the map implementation. Wouldn't there be issues with choosing the right size, or or otherwise wouldn't the C map need an occasional large pause for a resize?"

A: Yes, it is true that an O(1) hashtable has these undesirable properties. We will use for the map implementation a structure called the Array-Mapped Trie by Phil Bagwell that can give us "effective O(1)" complexity (in reality O(log32 n)). It is essentially a very shallow tree with a large (32-way) branching factor. It has useful properties of not needing resizes and of easily being made persistent.

Q: "I see how the 3 map implementation suffices for dereferencing of handles given allocations and deallocations, but programs will also want to modify structures via their handles. Wouldn't it cause problems if the Mutator would be modifying structures while the GC is observing them for its consolidation?"

A: Yes, this is another several points I glossed over. The runtime will provide persistent data types such as an O(log n) RB-tree, an O(log32 n) hashmap, etc. A mutation to a persistent data type instance is done via path-copying and produces a new instance version as represented by an offset to the root of the newly written path (with nodes along this path pointing to subsections of the older instances for data-sharing). Because of this, the state of older instance versions will remain in place and still under GC observations even as new instance versions are derived from them. (The alternative "fat-pointer" method of constructing persistent data structures would require undesirable mutations and so is avoided.) So modifications to the persistent data types will be fine. It is anticipated that the 3-map mechanism will only be used for containing entries to tuples which will be used to compose fields of primitive data types and persistent data types. These tuples can be seen as analogous to structs in the C language. One of these primitive data types would be "handle" which can be dereferenced through the 3-map set. Read-only dereferences of handles would work fine. Dereferences for mutation would be more involved: To modify a field of the tuple at handle h, it would be required to first copy the tuple forward with the modified field to new offset o and then place a new entry h -> o into map C. Having a maximum arity for tuples (say of 256) would bound the work of this copy forward.

Q: "That sounds like a lot of tuple copying!"

A: Yeah, actually we won't actually copy the tuple for each field modification, we will use something I've termed the cutoff_offset to minimize the need for copying. The cutoff_offset is an offset within the ring-buffer which represents the following property: offsets lower than the cutoff_offset must remain immutable, offsets higher than the cutoff_offset can be mutated in place. The cutoff_offset is maintained by the Mutator as needed, so as to lock down previous writes.

A simple example of a use case for cutoff_offset could be the following: data at offsets less than cutoff_offset have been exposed to the GC thread via a collection request, data at offsets greater than the cutoff_offset are exclusive to the Mutator, and when the Mutator transmits to the GC thread it updates cutoff_offset to point to the ring-buffer's cursor (exposing all previously-written data and forcing tuples to be copied-forward for updates).

Once an area of data has been locked down via the cutoff_offset it can no longer be modified, though the data will eventually be deallocated once observers of it can no longer exist. As a tuple is copied forward its new copy must necessarily exist at an offset greater than the cutoff_offset. The tuple's offset being greater than the cutoff_offset implies that there can be no other observers of this tuple and so it is safe to modify it in place with no further need to copy forward nor add/update an entry in map C. So copy-forwards of tuples are only needed and performed for tuples whose offset is less than cutoff_offset. If the Mutator does something to increase the cutoff_offset such that it now encompasses the tuple as "locked down" then the target tuple must be copied forward beyond the cutoff_offset before its copy can then be modified.

Q: "You mentioned resizing of the ring-buffer... Wouldn't this cause pauses?"

A: Yes, CB eliminates pauses due to GC consolidation/defragmentation but it does not eliminate pauses due to enlarging the amount of working memory. These enlargements are performed by resizing the ring-buffer larger and will need to cause a pause. It is expected that an appropriate ring-buffer size can be reliably estimated/overestimated to be used for the initial size at VM startup Remember that with power-of-2 ring-sizing we are talking about an estimate of the order of magnitude! Also, a ring-buffer resize pause is only as long as it takes for several mmap()s and a memcpy() of the smaller ring-buffer's contents into the larger one, so it should be relatively quick.

Q: "Wouldn't you have to check ring-buffer wrap-around of every read and write?"

A: Not with a "magic ring buffer"! Please see a description below. Basically, there will be a guarantee that reads/writes from/to the ring-buffer below the loop size will be contiguously visible in virtual memory due to the loop remapping the first N pages of the ring-buffer. So long as our data structures are composed of substructures which remain smaller than this guarantee, we will never have to check for wrap-around (i.e. discontiguous reads/writes). This does, however, mean, that thinks like arrays and hashmaps MUST be either unusually short or composed of shallow tree persistent data structures (which seem at best to achieve O(log32 N) complexity).

Q: "What is the complexity of this 3-map mechanism?"

A: The complexity of the 3 map lookup is the same as the complexity of the chosen map implementation itself because there is a constant factor of 3 layers. So, in our case, O(log32 n). This doesn't mean that such constant factors won't become limiting factors, unfortunately, and this is part of the experiment.

Illustration of Mechanism

The algorithm requires 3 key-value maps: A, B, C. In the initial state, these each begin empty:

    A            B            C
   ---          ---          ---
   (empty)      (empty)      (empty)

New allocations of class instances are assigned in C. Here the program has allocated three new instances:

    A            B            C
   ---          ---          ---
   (empty)      (empty)      0 -> 0x10
                             1 -> 0x20
                             2 -> 0x30

Deallocations of instances are not removed from C, instead a tombstone value indicating non-presence is stored. Here the program has deallocated instance 1:

    A            B            C
   ---          ---          ---
   (empty)      (empty)      0 -> 0x10
                             1 -> TOMBSTONE
                             2 -> 0x30

At this point, the main program thread (a.k.a. the Mutator) intitates a garbage collection (e.g. due to a timer, or a number of function calls, or some other reason). This will allow the separate garbage collector thread to begin the work of compacting the full set of items still in existence in A and B.

Message from Mutator To GC: { do_collection, A, B }

The main program thread (a.k.a. the Mutator) continues to run and modify C:

    A            B            C
   ---          ---          ---
   (empty)      (empty)      0 -> 0x10
                             1 -> TOMBSTONE
                             2 -> 0x30
                             3 -> TOMBSTONE
                             4 -> 0x50

The Garbage Collector thread replies to the Mutator thread with its resultant consolidation. This is represented by a new map called M which contains the union of all entries in A or B, minus any keys which had a TOMBSTONE in B. (B acts as an overlay of A). Also, the address value for each remaining key has has been rewritten to point to a new, relocated address.


Message from GC to Mutator: { collection_done, M }

At this point, the Mutator incorporates the GC-consolidated memory into its worldview. These assignments happen atomically as far as main program execution is concerned:

A = M
B = C
C = (empty)

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   (empty)      0 -> 0x10          (empty)
                1 -> TOMBSTONE
                2 -> 0x30
                3 -> TOMBSTONE
                4 -> 0x50

Let's do a few more allocations:

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   (empty)      0 -> 0x10          5 -> 0x60
                1 -> TOMBSTONE     6 -> 0x70
                2 -> 0x30
                3 -> TOMBSTONE
                4 -> 0x50

Now another merge...

   0 -> 0x80
   2 -> 0x90
   4 -> 0xA0

... while C continues to be modified...

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   (empty)      0 -> 0x10          2 -> TOMBSTONE
                1 -> TOMBSTONE     6 -> 0x70
                2 -> 0x30          7 -> 0xB0
                3 -> TOMBSTONE
                4 -> 0x50

... another map reassignment...

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   0 -> 0x80    2 -> TOMBSTONE    (empty)
   2 -> 0x90    6 -> 0x70
   4 -> 0xA0    7 -> 0xB0

... another merge...

   0 -> 0xC0
   4 -> 0xD0
   6 -> 0xE0
   7 -> 0xF0

... while C continues to be modified...

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   0 -> 0x80    2 -> TOMBSTONE     8 -> 0x100
   2 -> 0x90    6 -> 0x70          9 -> 0x110
   4 -> 0xA0    7 -> 0xB0

... and finally, another map reassignment.

    A            B                  C
   ---          ---                ---
   0 -> 0xC0    8 -> 0x100         (empty)
   4 -> 0xD0    9 -> 0x110
   6 -> 0xE0
   7 -> 0xF0

Note here several things:

  1. TOMBSTONEs get removed from A and B as they get merged to M, as M will no longer need to overlay any other map with its deletions once M is installed as the new A.
  2. The C map proceeded with modifications as M was being built.
  3. During the first collection iteration, the instance 2 has been deleted in the C map, even as M is also concerned with instance 2 for the collection. The overlay semantics guarantees that this will not be a problem.
  4. During the first allocation The C map allocations continued at 0xB0, while M used 0x80, 0x90, and 0xA0. This is because the initiation of the GC was able to allocate an appropriately sized region for M to allocate within and bump the cursor ahead by this amount. The M map allocates from within this region arranged for it, and the C map allocates beyond it.
  5. Omitted in this illustration: the map implementation will have its own internal nodes, so addresses would not appear so regularly-spaced; TOMBSTONEs take up space as they require aforementioned internal nodes; the sizing of M may be a maximal size and not as accurate as portrayed here; allocations within M's region would be most efficient when moving the cursor in reverse, as this would allow maximizing M's lowest_bound (further packing the ring-buffer's still-in-use data towards upper offsets and thereby maximizing the available data range).

Dereferencing Pseudocode

void* offset_to_address(offset)
    return ring.baseptr + (offset & (ring.power_of_2_size - 1));

offset dereference_handle_for_read(handle)
    if (C[handle] exists) {
        if (C[handle] == TOMBSTONE)
            return NULLOFFSET;

        return C[handle];

    if (B[handle] exists) {
        if (B[handle] == TOMBSTONE)
            return NULLOFFSET;

        return B[handle];

    if (A[handle] exists) {
        /* Cannot be TOMBSTONE, as these will be cleared by consolidation */
        return A[handle];

    return NULLOFFSET;

offset dereference_handle_for_write(handle)
    if (C[handle] exists) {
        if (C[handle] == TOMBSTONE)
            return NULLOFFSET;

        return C[handle];

    if (B[handle] exists) {
        if (B[handle] == TOMBSTONE)
            return NULLOFFSET;

        new_offset = copy_instance_at(B[handle]);
        C[handle] = new_offset;
        return new_offset;

    if (A[handle] exists) {
        /* Cannot be TOMBSTONE, as these will be cleared by consolidation */
        new_offset = copy_instance_at(A[handle]);
        C[handle] = new_offset;
        return new_offset;

    return NULLOFFSET;

Concepts / Glossary

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Programs need to use memory to perform their duties. Apportioning memory for use by a program is called memory allocation. Some needed allocations can be known in advance at time of programming, but for many (and perhaps most) programs the needed allocations can only be determined during runtime. The former set is considered "static memory allocation" and the latter set is called "dynamic memory allocation".

In unmanaged and non-garbage-collected languages like C and C++, any dynamic allocation of memory is the programmer's responsibility to free. e.g. in C:

   void *p = malloc(5);  //Allocate 5 bytes, returning a pointer to them.
   //...some work...
   free(p);   //Deallocate the allocated bytes.

Note that both malloc() and free() may perform some not-insubstantial amount of work during their invocations. There are many opportunities for programmer error in the pairing of allocations and deallcations, especially as these two halves become further apart in code and/or time.

Benefit of Dynamic Memory Allocation:

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation is the only solution for problems whose allocations can only be known at runtime.

Drawback of Dynamic Memory Allocation:

  • Can add a significant fast-path cost for both the malloc() and free() routines.
  • Can cause memory fragmentation. This is where available memory exceeds a requested allocation size, but this available memory is not contiguous so cannot be used to fulfill the allocation request.

Garbage Collection

Garbage-collection is a technology which allows automatic reclamation of dynamically allocated memory which has become no longer in use. In garbage-collected languages, the programmer still specifies dynamic allocations (via something analoguous to malloc(), though a given language's syntax may not make such allocations obvious), but the programmer does not specify an equivalent of free(). Instead, the language runtime performs garbage-collection of dynamically allocated memory which can be detected to be no-longer used. This detection is often done via a reachability analysis of the memory structures of the program. As in, there is a section of code of the language runtime called "the garbage collector" which will start from a root set of "definitely reachable" structures (e.g. static variables, and all of the stack-allocated references of all threads' stack frames) and then recursively introspect structures and chase pointers until it has fully exhausted the set of all reachable memory which it then considers "still-in-use". At this point, the garbage collector can consider all unreachable memory addresses as now available for re-use by future allocations. To reduce fragmentation of available memory, there will often also be a "compaction" of the "still-in-use" memory. This will consolidate the still-in-use structures into a more condensed arrangement with the corresponding intent that the free areas become contiguous and can therefore be used to fulfill larger future allocations than if they had remained small and discontiguous.

Benefits of Garbage Collection:

  • Reduces concerns needing to be managed by the programmer, leading to faster coding cycles.
  • Reduces chances of error by programmer (i.e. lack of free() causing memory leak, double-free() causing memory corruption).
  • The free() can happen asynchronously to the main body of code, potentially taking its work off of the fast path and reducing latency
  • Memory consolidating garbage collectors allow for lower fragmentation of available process memory, increasing efficiency (smaller memory footprint in terms of VM pages, fewer trips to OS to ask for more memory).

Drawbacks of Garbage Collection:

  • The work of collecting garbage historically must cause pauses in the work of the application. These pauses can be minimized (as with advanced techniques such as Erlang's runtime, which can use ultra-small GC cycles limited to the memory of a single green-thread) but they still exist and cause latency jitter in the execution of applications.

References: The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Management by Richard Jones, Antony Hosking, Eliot Moss

Arena-Based Allocation

(a.k.a. "Bump-pointer Allocation", "Sequential Allocation", "Region-Based Allocation")

As mentioned above, both malloc() and free() routines have a potentially significant cost. This is especially true if they are done multiple times or if they are done on the fast-path (a latency-sensitive portion of an application's code). Arena-based allocation is an alternative approach for dynamic memory allocation which is sometimes used.

//Allocate a 10MB arena.
char *arena = malloc(10 * 1024 * 1024);
char *arena_cursor = arena;

// Later... Perform cheap dynamic allocation(s).
item *item = arena_cursor;
arena_cursor += sizeof(item);
other_item *other_item = arena_cursor;
arena_cursor += sizeof(other_item);

//Possibly reset the arena to reuse its space.
arena_cursor = arena;

//Later... Deallocate the entire arena and any contained items at once.

Advantages of Arena-Based Allocation:

  • Aside from the initial malloc(), the cost of any dynamic allocation has been reduced from the cost of a malloc() call to the cost of adding a value to a pointer. The cost of adding a value to a pointer is so cheap as to be effectively free.
  • Multiple dynamic allocations have paid only a single cost of malloc().
  • Multiple dynamic deallocations have paid only a single cost of free().
  • Arena-allocated items do not need to be of equal size.

Disadvantages of Arena-Based Allocation:

  • Must consider appropriate initial size of arena.
  • Must consider dynamic allocations exhausting the size of the arena.
  • Individual deallocations of items is unsupported. (It can be supported but complexifies and slows allocations, and would generally only be appropriate for arenas which allocate items of a single size.)

Reference: [Wikipedia: Region-Based Memory Management] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Region-based_memory_management)

Ring Buffers

A ring buffer is a data structure implemented as a contiguous array of elements. The elements of this array are accessed using cursors that will be mapped to the array index range [0, count) via modulo arithmetic. This allows the cursors to perpetually advance while being used to refer to array elements within the valid range. If the underlying array has a number of elements which is a power of two, instead of the (relatively expensive) modulo operation a (relatively cheap) bitmask AND operation may be used as it will be numerically equivalent.

Ring buffers are often used with two cursors as a FIFO channel between a producer and a consumer. The producer is responsible for one cursor's advancement, and the consumer for the other cursor's advancement. The relationship consumer_cursor <= producer_cursor is maintained, and the range [consumer_cursor, producer_cursor) will contain produced-but-not-yet-consumed data.

Reference: Wikipedia: Circular Buffer

Magic Ringbuffers

(a.k.a. Virtual Ring Buffers)

Ring buffers may be used to contain slotted elements of data (e.g. slots of pointers), or could alternatively be used as a character array stream. For the character array stream case, writing a logically contiguous region of memory into the ring buffer may necessitate a two part write if the placement of to-be-written-region were to surpass the last index within the ringbuffer and as such need to wrap-around to earlier indices. In addition to the two part write, bounds checking operations need to take place during every read and write, to ensure that this "wrapping around" will take place when appropriate.

Philip Howard seems to be (according to my Google searches) the inventor of the following optimization: Memory management APIs (e.g. mmap() on Linux), can be used to cause the same physical page of memory (i.e. hardware memory pages) to be made available through multiple virtual memory addresses (i.e. the addresses which are used within a C program's memory address space). As such, the entire ringbuffer pages could be mmap()'d again immediately subsequent to their original location. E.g.:

Simple Ring Buffer
    [ A | B | C | D ]

Magic Ring Buffer
    [ A | B | C | D | A' | B' | C' | D' ]


The A'...D' pages are the exact same physical pages as A...D, just available 
also under other virtual addresses.  A write in B' will show up in B and vice 

With this layout, no two-part writes nor bounds checking need to take place during reads or writes. Any write or read less than the length of the ring-buffer must begin within A...D (due to the ring buffer's modulo operation) and end within A'...D'. Due to the second mapping of these pages, the wraparound reads/writes will be automatic and no bounds checks will be necessary.

Reference: [Virtual Ring Buffers by Philip Howard] (http://vrb.sourceforge.net/)

Serial Number Arithmetic

It is often useful to compare two sequence numbers to determine which is greater than another. In infinite or very large sequences with sequence numbers represented by values of finite size (e.g. hardware 32-bit integer registers), eventually deriving the next sequence number will "wrap-around" such that direct comparison between sequence numbers is inadequate to represent their ordering.

The solution to this problem is called "Serial Number Arithmetic". Basically, value1 is greater than value2 if value1 exists in the half of the total range of values (i.e. 2^31) subsequent to value2, even if this half-the-total-range wraps around to lower values. Likewise, but in the lower-half, for value1 being less-than value2. This forms somewhat of a finite "sliding window" for working with sequences larger than that window.

Reference: [Serial Number Arithmetic] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_number_arithmetic) Reference: [RFC 1982] (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1982)

Persistent Data Structures


Persistent Red-black Tree


Persistent HAMT


The Cutoff Offset




Alternative to Address-based Pointers

Conceptually, a pointer in C is a unique handle through which you can access your data via "dereferencing" it. Mostly, C language implementations leverage the fact that your data will exist somewhere in memory and that the address of your data's location will already be a suitably unique value, so the address is what gets used as a handle. Hardware instructions will ultimately require an address, so using the address as a handle dovetails with hardware details and allows avoidance of a separate lookup of handle -> address.

However, using addresses is not required for pointers. Instead, an implementation could choose to use some other form of identifier (say sequence numbers), so long as dereferencing actions then included such a handle -> address lookup.

Reference: What exactly is a C pointer if not a memory address?



The Structmap

The structmap is an implementation of the "Alternative to Address-based Pointers", as described above. Instead of "pointers represented by addresses" there will be "references represented by integer struct_ids". The idea is that dynamic allocations will be assigned unique sequential integer identifiers derived from a monotonically increasing next_struct_id. These allocations will also place a new entry in the structmap, which will be used for later struct_id -> cb_offset_t "dereferences".



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