
Extract FWHM, temp, focus positions, etc. from a directory of astronomical FITS files

Primary LanguagePython


Extract FWHM, temp, focus positions, etc. from a directory of astronomical FITS files


Astropy default

The keys that start with their_ are computed using Astropy/Photutils: first an image is segmented to extract the stars, then source_catalog.fwhm and similar methods are used to get the stats. I haven't looked into how Astropy/Photutils does this, hence rolling my own solution.

My own solution

First, I segment the image as above to extract the stars, but then I fit a 2D Gaussian distribution with opt.curve_fit. I then take the conservative/pessimistic approach of taking the maximum of the two axes' 1D FWHM.


The file fits_stats.py contains the functions that do the computation, gather_data.py gives an example of how to call the code, and analyze_data.py shows how to visualize the results (intended to be run interactively). You should end up with something like: alt text


No optimization has been done save for parallelizing over the FITS files