
test the proof-of-concept OpenAPI interface for RTX

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@arnabdotorg -- Eric Deutsch created an OpenAPI interface for RTX (which is what we are calling our reasoning tool). Can you help test it out? Please use GitHub Issue tracker to note any issues. Thank you.

@erikyao did you do this testing?

I tested the OpenAPI interface. The translation and query apis are working well and can have reasonable feedback from the server. However the link has 404 error. This may be due to doesn't work now. Did you closed the server, Steve? I suggest we remove the invalid link if we don't need them in our demo.

screen shot 2017-11-28 at 12 28 02 pm

screen shot 2017-11-28 at 12 32 31 pm

okay, please [REFRESH] and test the UI again!
There are definitely things that could be done better, but I think it all works now.
Let me know if you see problems!