
TWRP for a12s

git config --global user.email "your email" git config --global user.name "your name"

Basic Device Tree

mkdir TWRP cd TWRP git init git clone https://github.com/twrpdtgen/twrpdtgen pip3 install twrpdtgen sudo apt install cpio copy stock recovery.img to ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen

cd twrpdtgen python3 -m twrpdtgen recovery.img

rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/a12s/omni_a12s.mk to twrp_a12s.mk

delete vendorsetup.sh Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc (create these folders)

open twrp_a12s.mk and

  1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first. replace those 3 lines with this $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)

  2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)

  3. change omni to twrp (2 places)

open AndroidProducts.mk change omni to twrp (4 spots)

Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk

cd ~ sudo apt install git aria2 -y git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts cd scripts sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh

• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp cd ~/a12s-twrp

repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11

repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1

copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /a12s-twrp/device


. build/envsetup.sh lunch twrp_a12s-eng mka recoveryimage –j1

Recovery.img at out/Samsung/a12s/...img