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Net::LDAP for Ruby¶ ↑
DescriptionNet::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), an IETF standard protocol for accessing distributed directory services. Net::LDAP is written completely in Ruby with no external dependencies. It supports most LDAP client features and a subset of server features as well.
Net::LDAP has been tested against modern popular LDAP servers including OpenLDAP and Active Directory. The current release is mostly compliant with earlier versions of the IETF LDAP RFCs (2251–2256, 2829–2830, 3377, and 3771). Our roadmap for Net::LDAP 1.0 is to gain full client compliance with the most recent LDAP RFCs (4510–4519, plus portions of 4520–4532).
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Where¶ ↑
SynopsisSee Net::LDAP for documentation and usage samples.
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RequirementsNet::LDAP requires a Ruby 1.9.3 compatible interpreter or better.
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InstallNet::LDAP is a pure Ruby library. It does not require any external libraries. You can install the RubyGems version of Net::LDAP available from the usual sources.
gem install net-ldap
Simply require either ‘net-ldap’ or ‘net/ldap’.
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ExtensionsThis library focuses on the core LDAP RFCs referenced in the description. However, we recognize there are commonly used extensions to the spec that are useful. If there is another library which handles it, we list it here.
resolv-srv: Support RFC2782 SRV record lookup and failover
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DevelopThis task will run the test suite and the RuboCop static code analyzer.
rake rubotest
To run the integration tests against an LDAP server:
cd test/support/vm/openldap vagrant up cd ../../../.. INTEGRATION=openldap bundle exec rake rubotest
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ReleaseThis section is for gem maintainers to cut a new version of the gem.
Check out a new branch ‘release-VERSION`
Update lib/net/ldap/version.rb to next version number X.X.X following {semver}(semver.org/).
Update ‘History.rdoc`. Get latest changes with `script/changelog`
Open a pull request with these changes for review
After merging, on the master branch, run ‘script/release`
:include: Contributors.rdoc
:include: License.rdoc