An sbt 0.10.* plugin that growls/notifies test results.
Install the growl extra growlnotify commandline client, make sure it's in your path and you have growl turned on.
Install the libnotify-bin
sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
To install on a per-project basis, create a build.sbt
file under project/plugins/
in your sbt project
resolvers += "less is" at ""
libraryDependencies <+= sbtVersion(v => "me.lessis" %% "sbt-growl-plugin" % "0.1.2-%s".format(v))
To install globally, create a Build.scala
file under ~/.sbt/plugins/project
import sbt._
object PluginDef extends Build {
override def projects = Seq(root)
lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(growl)
lazy val growl = uri("git://")
Run your tests with the sbt test
task and you'll see the magikz.
By default the growl plugin looks for icons in ~/.sbt/growl/icons/
. Specifically, it looks for:
- used when tests passfail.png
- used when tests failerror.png
- used for catastrophic failures
If an icon is not found for Growl, the plugin extracts a Scala logo and places it in ~/.sbt/growl/icons/scala-logo.png
to use for notifications.
The directory in which Growl looks for icons can be configured by adding this to your build.sbt
defaultImagePath in Growl := "/my/better/path"
You can configure images individually by reconfiguring the GrowlTestImages class. e.g.
images in Growl <<= (images in Growl)(i => i.copy(fail = Some("/better/fail/icon.png")))
- support like notifiers on other OS's
2010-2011 Doug Tangren (softprops) + Josh Suereth (jsuereth)