State of the art of Neural Machine Translation with PyTorch and TorchText.
I used the europarl-v7
parallel corpora to build models. The data is downloadable here!
- Install requirements and Download data
Run commands below:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m spacy download fr
$ python -m spacy download en
$ python -m spacy download fr_core_news_lg
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
$ mkdir -p ./checkpoints
$ mkdir -p ./data
$ mkdir -p ./images
$ mkdir -p ./logs
$ wget --no-check-certificate \ \
-O ./data/fr-en.tgz
$ tar -xzvf ./data/fr-en.tgz -C ./data
$ rm -rf ./data/
or simply run:
$ ./
- Build datasets
$ python -m scripts.build_datasets --help
usage: [-h] [--src_lang SRC_LANG] [--dest_lang DEST_LANG]
[--n_samples N_SAMPLES] [--min_len MIN_LEN]
[--max_len MAX_LEN] [--min_freq MIN_FREQ]
[--save SAVE]
Build and save train, validation, and test datasets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--src_lang SRC_LANG The source language. Default: fr.
--dest_lang DEST_LANG
The destination language. Default: en.
--n_samples N_SAMPLES
The number of samples. Default: 200000.
--min_len MIN_LEN The min length of an example. Default: 10.
--max_len MAX_LEN The max length of an example. Default: 25.
--min_freq MIN_FREQ The min freq of an words in vocabulary. Default: 5.
--save SAVE To whether or not save datasets and fields.
The encoder-decoder architecture is a neural network design pattern. As shown in the figure below, the architecture is
partitioned into two parts, the encoder and the decoder. The encoder's role is to encode the inputs into state, which
often contains several tensors. Then the state is passed into the decoder to generate the outputs. In machine
translation, the encoder transforms a source sentence, e.g., Hello world!.
, into state vector, that captures its
semantic information. The decoder then uses this state to generate the translated target sentence, e.g.,
Bonjour le monde !
The sequence-to-sequence model is based on the encoder-decoder architecture to generate a sequence output for a sequence input, as demonstrated below. Both the encoder and the decoder commonly use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to handle sequence inputs of variable length. The hidden state of the encoder is used directly to initialize the decoder hidden state to pass information from the encoder to the decoder. In this project, I tried several sequence-to-sequence models with LSTMs, Attention mechanisms, CNNs and Transformers.
$ python -m scripts.train --help
usage: [-h] --model MODEL [--src_lang SRC_LANG]
[--dest_lang DEST_LANG] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--init_lr INIT_LR] [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
[--grad_clip GRAD_CLIP] [--tf_ratio TF_RATIO]
Train a model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model MODEL The model name (SeqToSeqLSTM, SeqToSeqBiLSTM,
--src_lang SRC_LANG The source language. Default: fr.
--dest_lang DEST_LANG
The destination language. Default: en.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
The batch size. Default: 64.
--init_lr INIT_LR The learning rate. Default: 1e-05.
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS The number of epochs. Default: 15.
--grad_clip GRAD_CLIP
The value of gradient clipping. Default: 1.0.
--tf_ratio TF_RATIO The teacher forcing ratio. Default: 1.0.
Models | learning rate | loss | val_loss | acc (%) | val_acc (%) | bleu-4 (%) | time/epoch |
SeqToSeqLSTM | 3.76E-04 | 2.753 | 3.125 | 9.942 | 9.382 | 15.012 | 02min 30s |
SeqToSeqBiLSTM | 3.76E-04 | 2.655 | 3.165 | 10.132 | 9.313 | 14.564 | 02min 40s |
SeqToSeqLuongAttentionLSTM | 1.87E-04 | 3.226 | 3.491 | 8.897 | 8.645 | 12.027 | 03min 17s |
SeqToSeqBadhanauAttentionLSTM |
$ python -m scripts.evaluate --help
usage: [-h] --model MODEL [--src_lang SRC_LANG]
[--dest_lang DEST_LANG]
Train a model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model MODEL The model name (SeqToSeqLSTM, SeqToSeqBiLSTM,
--src_lang SRC_LANG The source language. Default: fr.
--dest_lang DEST_LANG
The destination language. Default: en.