How to convert docs from Drupal to Markdown (for eg. Jekyll)

  1. Load the DB dump from docs-appneta-com into a locally-accessible DB.

  2. Install some prereqs for Ruby & Jekyll:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ruby2.3 ruby2.3-dev
    # pick version of ruby
    sudo apt-get install ruby-switch
    sudo ruby-switch --set ruby2.3
    # gems
    sudo gem install jekyll
    sudo gem install sequel
    sudo gem install mysql
  3. Load the patched jekyll-import (dkuebric/jekyll-import#1)

    git clone
    git checkout docs-import
    rake build
    sudo rake install
  4. Actually run the import to generate some docs:

    ruby import.rb
  5. Run dos2unix on every file to clean up the line endings:

    find . -name "*.md" -exec dos2unix {} \;
  6. There is at least one article where documentation on template tags confuses the template tag parser. Find that doc (the one that's bombing, I think a python instrumentation doc) and wrap its markdown tags in {% raw %} ... {% endraw %}.