##reddit-loadtest multi-mechanize load tests for open-source reddit installations, also talk fodder.
###PyGotham 2012 Slides Available on slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/dkuebrich/python-load-testing-pygotham-2012
###Running Requires multi-mechanize. There's currently two tests:
reddit_read - read-only tests for /all/* lists
reddit_write - performs r/w load on a particular comment thread with a number of simultaneous logged-in users, including comments, upvotes, and downvotes
$ multimech-run reddit_read
###Reddit configuration There's a few .ini file tweaks necessary to make your load tests run smoothly:
- disable registration captcha - allows automated registration (now default in reddit)
- disable rate limiting - for obvious reasons
###About the tests reddit_read provided by Corey Goldberg