
a winston transport wrapper for logzio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


A Winston transport wrapper for Logz.io


npm install winston-logzio --save

Sample usage

var winston = require('winston');
var logzioWinstonTransport = require('winston-logzio');

var loggerOptions = {
    token: '__YOUR_API_TOKEN__',
    host: 'listener.logz.io', // either listener.logz.io for US accounts or listener-eu.logz.io for EU Accounts
    type: 'YourLogType'     // OPTIONAL (If none is set, it will be 'nodejs')
winston.add(logzioWinstonTransport, loggerOptions);

winston.log('info', 'winston logger configured with logzio transport');

Make sure you replace __YOUR_API_TOKEN__ with your own logz.io api token.

If you do not have a Logz.io account, you can sign up for a free trial here


This winston plugin, basically just wraps our nodejs logzio shipper.
If you want to configure the nodejs logger, any parameters sent to winston when initializing the transport (what is held in the variable loggerOptions in the sample above) will be passed to the logzio nodejs logger itself.

Logs in my console

The winston logger by default sends all logs to the console.
You can easily disable this by adding this line to your code :


Logs UncaughtException before Node process exit

To enable logzio to log the last UncaughtException before Node exits,

  • you instantiate winston logger and injecting into it the winston-logzio transport as well as the exceptionHandlers
  • set your Node process to trap UncaughtException
var callback = function() {} ;
var winston = require('winston');
var winstonLogzIO = require( 'winston-logzio' );
var loggerOptions = {
    token: '__YOUR_API_TOKEN__'

var logzIOTransport = new (winstonLogzIO)(loggerOptions);
var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
  transports: [
  exceptionHandlers: [
  exitOnError: true    // set this to true

process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
  logger.error("UncaughtException processing: %s", err);
  logzIOTransport.flush( function(callback) {