
Send cURL stats graphite for graphing web performance

Primary LanguageShell


I needed a way to scrape our proxies and send curl web statistics to graphite. Rather than re-inventing the wheel I came up with a wrapper to send curl stats using the pipe-to-graphite tool from ifixit. (https://github.com/iFixit/pipe-to-graphite)

Prerequisites: These scripts assume you have a graphite server up and running ready to receive the stats on port 2003.


  1. Clone the iFixit pipe-to-graphite project.
  2. Copy the pipe-to-graphite.sh to the relative directory of curl.sh and wrapper.sh
  3. Update the pipe-to-graphite.sh script with your graphite server.
  4. Update wrapper.sh all your proxy hosts you wish to gather stats from to the gatherstats function
  5. Run the wrapper.sh (./wrapper.sh &) script and send to background. You should start seeing data within graphite.