

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This is a structure template for Python command line applications, ready to be released and distributed via setuptools/PyPI/pip for Python 2 and 3.

Please have a look at the corresponding article: http://gehrcke.de/2014/02/distributing-a-python-command-line-application/


Clone this repository and adopt the bootstrap structure for your own project. This is just a starting point, but I hope a good one. From there on, you should read and follow http://python-packaging-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/, the definite resource on Python packaging.


Flexible invocation

The application can be run right from the source directory, in two different ways:

  1. Treating the bootstrap directory as a package and as the main script:

    $ python -m bootstrap arg1 arg2
    Executing bootstrap version 0.2.0.
    List of argument strings: ['arg1', 'arg2']
    Stuff and Boo():
    <class 'bootstrap.stuff.Stuff'>
    <bootstrap.bootstrap.Boo object at 0x7f43d9f65a90>
  2. Using the bootstrap-runner.py wrapper:

    $ ./bootstrap-runner.py arg1 arg2
    Executing bootstrap version 0.2.0.
    List of argument strings: ['arg1', 'arg2']
    Stuff and Boo():
    <class 'bootstrap.stuff.Stuff'>
    <bootstrap.bootstrap.Boo object at 0x7f149554ead0>

Installation sets up bootstrap command

Situation before installation:

$ bootstrap
bash: bootstrap: command not found

Installation right from the source tree (or via pip from PyPI):

$ python setup.py install

Now, the bootstrap command is available:

$ bootstrap arg1 arg2
Executing bootstrap version 0.2.0.
List of argument strings: ['arg1', 'arg2']
Stuff and Boo():
<class 'bootstrap.stuff.Stuff'>
<bootstrap.bootstrap.Boo object at 0x7f366749a190>

On Unix-like systems, the installation places a bootstrap script into a centralized bin directory, which should be in your PATH. On Windows, bootstrap.exe is placed into a centralized Scripts directory which should also be in your PATH.