
The Operating System

Primary LanguageAssembly

Current Jai version: 0.1.076


VirtualBox or physical hardware is recommended over QEMU for performance reasons. You have to compile on linux. I usually compile in WSL and then run it on windows.

  • Compile, build userspace, and create a bootable disk image: jai-linux first.jai
  • Create a VirtualBox VM that has all the correct settings: jai first.jai - setup_vm
  • Run the created VirtualBox VM: jai first.jai - run_vm

(Use jai-linux for the last two if you're actually on linux rather than in WSL + Windows)

The filesystem/ directory will be the root of the filesystem on the disk image. You can add files there if you want to access them from within the operating system. You can then use jai-linux first.jai - no_kernel to add them to the disk image without recompiling everything.

If you have questions or comments please message me on discord: dlandahl#8582
