
Build a server that has endpoints for both images from Pixabay, and gifs from giphy. Additionally, build out a simple front end that you can use to query the backend and display the results.



Sign up for free accounts at the following websites:

Build a server that has two routes:


Sample query:


Your response should look like the following:

  • Use the Giphy API to do your GIF search.
  • Parse through their results.


sample query:


Your response should look like the following:

  • Use the Pixabay API to do your image search.
  • Parse through their results.


Build a simple frontend to access your backend. It should consist of:

  • An input for entering the search term
  • A button for "Gif search"
  • A button for "Image search"

Tapping a button should load either gifs or images in a div below the search bar.