Unit 1 Assessment Practice

The file unitOneAssessmentPractice.js includes the questions for the practice lab.

This is practice for the closed book assessment tomorrow. When you take the assessment tomorrow, you may not use any resources on the internet (stackOverflow etc.). You should use those resources for this lab.


Fork this repo, then clone it to your local machine. Answer each question inside the unitOneAssessmentPractice.js file. Once you have your solution written for a given problem, uncomment out the line that looks the line in the code snippet below.

// runQ1Tests()

Then, go to terminal and navigate to where you saved your cloned directory. Type in the following command to run the tests against your solution. If any tests fail, fix your answer so that it passes all of the tests.

node unitOneAssessmentPractice.js

Once you have completed the assessment practice, add, commit and push your changes up to your forked branch. Then open up a pull request against the main branch here that you forked off from. Finally, take the URL of your pull request and enter that into Canvas as the URL submission for this lab.