Code for the paper "You Truly Understand What I Need : Intellectual and Friendly Dialogue Agents grounding Knowledge and Persona" which is accepted to EMNLP 2022 (Findings)

Primary LanguagePython

INFO: Intellectual and Friendly Dialogue Agents grounding

Source codes for the paper "You Truly Understand What I Need: Intellectual and Friendly Dialogue Agents grounding Knowledge and Persona", accepted at EMNLP 2022 Findings.

1. Setup

1.1 Environmental Setup

The code runs with python 3.6. All dependencies are listed in requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

1.2 Dataset

You can download FoCus Dataset (Persona-Knowledge Chat) in here

1.3 Create a knowledge index

Since we use RAG for dialogue generation, you need to create a knowledge index file for the generation.
Before creating a knowledge index, you need to move Focus dataset into the data/ folder.

|-- data
    |-- FoCus
        |-- train_focus.json
        `-- valid_focus.json

1) The preprocessing code for creating raw knowledge is in the knowledge_index folder


2) The code for creating a knowledge index file is as below

python use_own_knowledge_dataset --csv_path=your file --output_dir=your dir

or you can simply run sh file

sh create_knowldege_index.sh

we used the same file in the transformers Github but modified it a bit for preprocessing the raw knowledge

3) After creating a knowledge index for FoCus Dataset, you should change your path in the config/rag-tok-base-ct.json


2. Training

Before you train the model, please modify the config file.

sh train.sh

3. Evaluate

sh evaluate.sh