
Rimala lab's auto crawling project and check whether legally right or not

Primary LanguagePython

Paper Project

By Using Selenium


  1. At first we access on proxy site for preventing cannot access to Adult's link
  2. After we search url + 'sign up' link on Google we click first link of result
  3. We check on this page has 'next' button when sign up process
  • When this page does not have next button then we directly check separate privacy link and term link
  • When this page has next button then we put the needed information on page(Checking needed things by frequently used words)
  • for prevending footer tag's information we check whether this node on footer tag or not
  1. After we land on final step, 'check consent condition'
  • GDPR says each page has to have consent button or similar function
  • By using DFS after we got on privacy words or term words, we ascend to their parent and check parent whether they have button or not

Next Step(Needed to be done)

  1. Tokenizing the words for not mechanically type the similar words
  2. Finkd sign up link by using NLP model