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Shopify Article Product Card

Note: this has only been tested with custom themes that mirror Dawn's architecture. You can customize the templates to work with your theme.


  1. Add article-product-card.js to your assets theme folder
  2. Open sections/main-article.liquid and add the following code at the top:
<script src="{{ 'blog-product-card.js' | asset_url }}" defer></script>
  1. You may also need to add the following code at the top of your main-article.liquid file as well to include product card and price styles:
{{ 'component-card.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}


  1. Find the product handle of the product you'd like to embed in your article (e.g. awesome-product)
  2. Switch the editor to HTML view
  3. Paste in the article-product-card code:
<article-product-card handle="awesome-product"></article-product-card>
  1. When rendered, this will be replaced with a product.


You may also include show-price="true/false" and show-vendor="true/false" attributes to turn those options on/off