Provides commands to quickly view the current file on GitHub/Bitbucket.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (⌘+P), paste the following command, and type enter.
ext install vscode-open-in-github
When editing a file, use the command palette (cmd + shift + p / ctrl + shift + p) to:
- Open the file in GitHub — "Open In GitHub: File"
- Open the blame in GitHub — "Open In GitHub: Blame"
- Open the history in GitHub — "Open In GitHub: History"
- Supports multiple remotes and branches.
- Supports in-house GitHub installations.
- Works with Bitbucket.
- Configurable default branch.
- Open multiline selection.
- Open the current revision.
Add these lines to the workspace settings:
"openInGitHub.defaultBranch": "master",
"openInGitHub.defaultRemote": "origin",
"openInGithub.maxBuffer": 512000,
"openInGitHub.excludeCurrentRevision": false,
- Open Repository
- Open Pull Request related to the file
Logo taken from here: