
Load balancer for key-value stores with fast in-network caching

Primary LanguagePython

NetCache: Balancing Key-Value Stores with Fast In-Network Caching

This is an open source implementation of the NetCache paper. Unlike the paper that targets the Tofino chip, we implement NetCache while targeting the BMv2 simple_switch architecture. Since the main principles of the implementation stay the same, this repository can also be used as a reference for any target architecture.


Recent advancements on the field of programmable switches along with the introduction of the PISA architecture has enabled us to rethink and redesign various systems by allowing us to program the switch packet-processing pipeline while being able to operate at line-rate. Many key value stores have shifted away from flash and disk based storage to keeping their data in-memory which requires a layer that could handle queries significanlty faster if we want to provide caching functionality. Netcache exploits the capabilities of modern switches to provide such a layer and offers in-network caching for in-memory key value stores.

Netcache is a novel approach of implementing a blazingly fast cache residing inside the switch. Due to the current limitations in terms of memory on the programmable switches, this cache is not supposed to be an ordinary fully-fledged cache, rather it is supposed to achieve a medium cache hit ratio (< 50 %). This ratio proves to be sufficient to serve as a load balancer because highly skewed workloads with disproportionately more accesses to a few hot keys comprise most of the real-world access patterns in typical key-value stores.

Our Netcache implementation contains the following components:

  • Data plane design of the P4 switch
  • Controller using Thrift API to dynamically modify P4 switch behavior (control plane)

Apart from the Netcache implementation, we also implemented the following:

  • Simple distributed in-memory key value store (without data replication)
  • Python client API for our in-memory key value store

System Architecture

The architecture of Netcache is divided in the data-plane logic which is implemented in P4 and runs directly inside the switch (by compiling and loading the executable), and the control-plane logic which is implemented in Python and utilizes the Thrift API to dynamically modify various components of the switch (e.g match-action tables and registers).

The data plane design is optimized to utilize as less memory as possible since it is restricted by the memory limitations of the P4 switch. On the other hand, the controller runs in a typical machine (e.g server) and its communication with the switch does not require massive optimization since this communication is not happening on the critical data path.

Data-Plane Design

The data plane architecture of Netcache comprises of the following important modules:

  • Value Processing Module
  • Query Statistics Module
  • L2/L3 Forwarding Module

Value Processing module

This module is responsible for producing the actual values that will be returned to the client who is performing the query. One major constraint of the P4 switches is that they provide limited memory at each stage which does not enable us to keep the full cache as a simple register array inside the switch. To circumvent this constraint, multiple register arrays are used (along with multiple stages) and their values are combined to produce the actual value.

To efficiently combine the values of each register array, the controller assigns to each key inserted in the cache an index along with a bitmap (through match-action table) which is later used by the packet processing pipeline to recreate the value corresponding to this key. The index will be the position that will be accessed in the register array at each stage, while the bitmap will indicate whether a register array at a specific stage will contribute its value to the final value. This approach allows minimum memory consumption while also surpassing the limit of being able to store only significantly small values inside the switch.

Query Statistics module

This module is responsible for deciding which key value pairs should be actually inserted into the cache. The architecture of this module is also optimized to surpass the memory constraints of the switch. The typical approach of keeping counters for each key accessed and then inserting the most popular ones is not immediately applicable because there is not enough memory to deploy such a solution. Netcache takes a probabilistic approach to this problem by trading accuracy for less memory space.

For the above reasons, Netcache maintains the following probabilistic data structures:

  • Count-Min Sketch to keep the approximate frequency of queries on uncached keys
  • Bloom-Filter to avoid reporting hot keys multiple times to the controller
  • Register array of packet counters to count accesses to cached keys

Below, we provide the figure describing the query statistics module as presented in the paper:

Query Statistics Module

Additionally, to restrict the numbers of bits used by each array index of the count-min sketch, bloom filter and also by the counters of cached keys, Netcache employs a scheme of reseting the registers after a configurable time interval. In contrast with the paper, we have not employed a sampling component in front of the query statistics module and we rather prefer to examine all packets to extract our statistics.

L2/L3 Forwarding module

This module employs the typical networking functionality and is responsible for forwarding or routing packets by using standard L2/L3 protocols. In our case, since the routing/forwarding behavior was not our primary goal, we have currently implemented a simple static l2 forwarding scheme.to

The controller on start up, reads the topology and all the interconnected interfaces and populates an l2 forwarding match-action table inside the P4 switch which contains static assignments by matching on the L2 destination address and by providing the egress port that the corresponding packet should be forwarded to.


The controller has the responsibility of receiving hot key reports from the switch and updating the cache accordingly by modifying the lookup table inside the P4 switch and by allocating the memory required to store the value. As mentioned before (value processing module), the memory of where the value resides is represented by a tuple of an index and a bitmap.

Memory Management Unit

To decide where to place each key-value pair in the cache, the controller implements the First-Fit algorithm which is a classic heuristic algorithm for bin packing problems and we use this approach to allocate memory slots to a given key. To evict a key we simply deallocate its memory by representing those memory slots as empty and adding them again to the memory pool of the controller.

Cache Eviction Policy

As proposed by the Netcache paper, we use an eviction policy similar to the policy employed by Redis 3.0 (described in Redis blog. In contrast to the paper we do not take into account the counters of the uncached keys by the count-min sketch and we rather prefer to only use the counters for cached keys.

Particularly, we employ an approximated LFU (Least Frequently Used) algorithm by periodically checking whether we have exceeded a specific memory usage (e.g 80%) and if we are above this limit then we sample a configurable amount of the cached keys and we evict from cache the K keys with the smallest counters. This operation can be implemented efficiently by using quick select algorithm to find the K elements with the smallest values.

Cache Coherency Unit

Since the controller inserts and deletes items from cache we should ensure that cache coherency is also achieved and to assure that we need the controller to be able to communicate with the key value store servers.

The controller maintains an out-of-band channel to communicate with the servers through Unix sockets due to the peculiarities of enabling ordinary TCP/IP communication between them (e.g residing in different network namespaces).

When a delete/insert is completed, the controller informs the server in order to tell him to stop blocking further updates on the given key.

Key Value Store

In order to evaluate Netcache we implemented our own in-memory distributed key value store based on simple primitives but we also wanted this key value store to be able to adequately serve multiple clients and multiple servers present in our experiment scenarios.

Partitioning Scheme

For our key-value store we decided to shard our data based on a simple range based partitioning scheme. Basically, we decide where to store each key by taking into account only its first letter and using this letter to get the integer corresponding to its ascii representation.

We also want to experiment with consistent hashing partioning with offers much more robust partitioning and is also used widely by several distributed database products. Though, by prepopulating the servers with values we could equally load them with data and avoid skewness that would appear for such a partioning scheme in a real-world scenario.