
Pure-bash script to encrypt values for use in Travis-CI build scripts.

Primary LanguageShell


License: GPL v3

Pure-bash script to encrypt values for use in Travis-CI build scripts.

Requires curl, GNU sed and grep, and openssl rsautl command-line utilities. (Plus git for "magical" autodetection of the correct user and repository from the remote.)

Installation and usage

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlenski/travis-encrypt-sh/HEAD/travis-encrypt > ~/bin/travis-encrypt
$ chmod +x !$
$ travis-encrypt
usage:  travis-encrypt [user] [repository] [value to encrypt]

  e.g.: travis-encrypt 'P@ssw0rd' (only inside a git repo)
    or  travis-encrypt jsmith MyRepo 'VAR="s3cret"'
    or  travis-encrypt jsmith MyRepo 'P@ssw0rd'

Let's encrypt a secret value for use in the .travis.yml of this GitHub repository:

$ ./travis-encrypt dlenski travis-encrypt-sh 's3cr3t-va1ue' > base64.txt
Fetching key from https://api.travis-ci.org/repos/dlenski/travis-encrypt-sh/key ...
Encrypting with openssl rsautl ...

Now base64.txt contains a value that can be directly pasted into this repository's .travis.yml (in order to convey a secret value to the Travis-CI build system without leaking it publicly in this repository), as in:

    secure: "contents of base64.txt go here"

Inspired by…

My frustrations here