
Includes webpack and babel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Quick Start

A ReactJS Quick Start project that supports JavaScript ES7 transpilation to ES5 through Babel, linting with ESLint, and bundling via Webpack.


  • React
  • React Bootstrap
  • React CSS Transition Group
  • Redux
  • Redux Form
  • Redux Thunk
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • Axios


Clone or download the repo.


  1. At the command prompt, enter npm start to start the Webpack Dev Server with Hot Module Replacement.
  2. Point your browser to localhost:8080. When you make changes to the code, Babel will transpile your code, Webpack will build the JavaScript bundle and Webpack Dev Server will refresh the browser.


If you cloned this repo (as opposed to having downloaded it) you should delete the .git folder (e.g. rm -rf .git) as you don't really want to track this repo. You can then, of course, create a new git repo to track your own work.