
This repository is a boilerplate for developing web frontend which incorporates babel, webpack, and polyfill core-js.

webpack automatically loads and execute babel when processing *.js files as defined in module property in webpack.config.js file.

Consider importing css-loader, sass-loader, and style-loader if you want to import css classes in JS files.


webpack link

The plugin can help develop an web app. It supports hot reload and live reloading. Install the plugin and run webpack serve --config <config file>. It will automatically rebuild and reload if source codes have been changed.

Separate Development and Production Env

It can be simply accomplished by making two different webpack configuration files, but to manage common configurations, use webpack-merge package. Create webpack.common.js and put all the common parts there. Create webpack.dev.js and webpack.prod.js, and insert uncommon codes in those files.


Babel converts latest ECMA codes into backwards compatible version of codes so that older browsers can execute. Use @babel/preset-env to easily load widely used configurations.

Also, to embed Babel in webpack, use babel-loader webpack plugin. Strangely and interestingly, without specifying where the babel config file is, babel-loader automatically finds the config file and use it. See more in the link

Babel & Polyfill

Babel converts into backwards compatible codes. However, if matching outdated codes do not exist, the conversion fails. That is what Polyfill can do, just like filling pillows with feathers. WeakMap, Promise, arrow function and etc... they are injected by polyfill so that old browsers can execute.

corejs is one of third party polyfill package.

Babel & JSX

Babel can be used to interpret JSX codes. Use @babel/preset-react package to get started.