
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This header-only library provides easy to use time-interval histogram creation and streaming to varios destinations(StdOut, File, Udp) in a string-format that can be drawn by feedgnuplot

Screenshot1 Screenshot2


  • Measurer: Every measurer is a class-type by its own and is used as a singleton. It is defined by an Id and the DataHolder type. It is used to measure the time-duration between two time-points by its "sample() call".
  • DataHolder: The Object where the measured data gets feed in(e.g. a Histogram). It has a one-to-one relation with the Measurer.
  • CyclicDataOutputterThread: A Thread to output the DataHolders data in an asynchronous manner. The destination can be determined by a template parameter.


  • Setup DataHolder(at this time only Histograms are implemented) of the Measurers that will be used. For simplicity we will use a typedef for the Histogram class (for some predefined typedefs see TimeMeasureTypes.h)
using HistogramUs = Histogram< std::chrono::microseconds >;

TimeMeasure::Measurer< 0, HistogramUs >::instance().setHistogramRange(200);

Create and setup Outputter-Thread object

CyclicDataOutputterThread< HistogramUs, Destination::StdOut/File/Udp >
outThread(TimeMeasure::Measurer< 0, HistogramUs >::instance().dataHolder());
outThread.destination().connect("ip", port);
outThread.startThread(output-period in ms)

Instrument your code in one of 2 ways

Interal measure with the Guard object

    TimeMeasure::Measurer< 0, HistogramUs >::Guard guard;
    // Stuff you want to measure

Repetition period measure

TimeMeasure::Measurer< 0, HistogramUs >::instance().sample()

Visualization with feedgnuplot

for Destination:StdOut

application | feedgnuplot ...

for Destination:File

tail -f1 "dumpfile" | feedgnuplot ...

for Destination:Udp

nc -u "ip" -k -p "port number" -l | feedgnuplot ...

feedgnuplot options

--domain --dataid --autolegend --stream  --curvestyleall 'with boxes fill solid 1.0' --extracmds 'set logscale y'

to show in terminal add

--extracmds 'set terminal dumb'