
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight easy to use middleware generator using zeromq for transport and cap'nproto for serialization

But wait!!! Why don't you simply use the rpc mechanism provided by capnproto? As much as I loved the insanely powerful capnproto time-travel rpc implementation, I was struggling to get it integrated with other event loops (e.g. Qt-s event loop or just a simple select), so I decided to use zeromq that provides a simpler way of doing that.

The IDL allows definitions of rpcs, signals and properties. It generates c++ code for server and client. There is also the possibility to get a Qt Client generated, where rpc-s translate to Q_INVOKABLE-s, signals translate to qt-signals, properties to Q_PROPERTIES. This QObject can then be registered into a qml environment and can be used in property bindings..


The interface of the service is defined as a toml file, where rpcs and signals can be defined.

simple example

Calculator.toml --> the file basename is used as service name and namespace for all generated code

        parameter = { a = 'Int32', b = 'Int32' }
        returns = { ret = 'Int32' }
        parameter = { a = 'Int32', b = 'Int32' }
        returns = { ret = 'Int32' }

        parameter = { percentage = 'Float32' }

rpc-s can have input parameter and return values. If one of them is void, you can simply ommit it. signals can only have input parameter, wich can be omitted when void

The used types can be one of: * Bool * Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 * UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 * Float32, Float64 * Text * Span * Data< Size > * Native CapnProto message

The underscore after after the "services" keyword means, that the following rpc or signal definition will live in the "main" Service and is not in a "subservice". A subservice can be defined for example like this:

        parameter = { a = 'Int32', b = 'Int32' }
        returns = { ret = 'Int32' }

This will have the effect, that the rpc method name in the generated classes will be prefixed with SubserviceName__ and there will be a distinct rpc interface class that has to be implemented and registered to the server.

Direct Return Value

Documentation has to be written

Native capnproto mesage as parameter and return value

Documentation has to be written

Using Properties

Documentation has to be written

Qt Client

checkout: tests/TemperatureQt Documentation has to be written