
Static maps rendering in ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


This project is just about having a very simple api for rendering static maps. I hope to also get dynamic map rendering here as well, the idea is not to make fully-interactive maps but a simple way to render maps with markers.

The eventual goal of this project is to have one api for rendering simple static and dynamic maps, and eventually even directions + maps.


I am intentionally not including geocoding into this project. There are already many great geocoders in ruby, like geokit/geokid-rails which handle cross-geocoder apis and geocoder fail-overs.


Just include this gem. This is not specific to rails. It should just work.

To use:

mapper = Gellan.mapper # get the default mapper
mapper.zoom = 13 # set the zoom level, can be left nil
mapper.add(lat, lng, :color => 'blue', :label => 'Junkyard')
# render a static map 300px by 300px
mapper.render(:static, 300, 300)

To get a different type of mapper

mapper = Gellan.get_mapper(:bing) # not yet integrated

To render a different map type

mapper.render(:interactive) # not yet intergrated