The Planet Express Crew present: A slightly less shitty way to launch StarCitizen

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  1. Download the latest release source code, and extract it somewhere permanent
  2. Change the paths in config.txt to be whatever is appropriate on your hard drive. You can copy from the path part of windows explorer and just paste it into there
  3. Run backup_files.bat first before doing anything YOU WILL LOSE THEM OTHERWISE
  4. right click on start_sc.bat and send link to Desktop and start it from there.

Alternative, if you don't want to see the command line window, use start_sc.vbs.

Special thanks to the following

  • Myself, because I am absolutely awesome.
  • Draconous for the first version and doing all the research on where files go on 3.12 vs 3.13
  • ChefHeisca for all the artwork (arguably the most important part)