
List of assumptions and implementation details

  • total cost is the sum of grid cost and battery degradation cost for each interval
  • battery degradation formula has been re-adapted to reflect that the cumulative sum has to be 1 over time:
    • degradation = (abs(energy_flow_kwh) / capacity_in_kwh ) / (rated_cycles / 2)
  • for costs, Decimal is used as data type instead of float for better rounding & arithmetics
  • energy interval is assumed always the same in the energy flow table
  • energy tariff are the same when either using or selling grid's energy
  • energy tariff are given as Weekday / Weekend and through time intervals (refer to energy_tariff.json)
  • energy tariff are applied taking using only the start of the time interval


python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

How to run

  • complete all the steps in setup
  • run (with default parameters)
  • to print a list of possible parameters use:
    python --help