
[cli, git, html, css]

Primary LanguageCSS

Checkpoint 01


  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Clone your fork.
  3. Follow the instructions.
  4. Make one commit for each question.
  5. Open a pull request to this repo.

If you finish early, try tackling the Moonrise Kingdom exercise.



Open up index.html in a text editor and browser. Link to the provided stylesheet.



Identify one non-semantic tag and replace it with a semantic one.



Something about the image tag is incorrect. Fix the error.



Change the title of the page. Specifically, change what shows in the tab of the page (i.e., at the top of the browser).



Set the margin to 0 for each direct child of:

  • header
  • footer
  • .main
  • aside



If you inspect the .left and .right elements, you will see that they have width: 50%; and float: left. However, they are not sitting next to each other.

Fix this issue without modifying any of .left and .right's padding, border, or width.



When the page is fewer than 600px wide, the background of .main turns red.

Instead of making .main red, reorder the elements to...

  1. Header
  2. Main
  3. Aside
  4. Aside
  5. Footer

Do this using only CSS -- do not rearrange the HTML.



Open up workflow.txt

Rearrange the lines to identify the correct workflow for submitting a pull request on a non-master branch.

Remove the lines that are not required in this workflow.
