Travel Client User Interface

By Daniel Lindsey and Sarah Espinet

Web front end for an Travel Client

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET Framework
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • Entity
  • Linq
  • Swagger


This is a C# web application for a Travel Client API. This application serves as the front end web portion of the application, serving views to easily consume database entries. A separate application has been built for the API, and can be found here.

If you would like to view the front end application that calls the API mentioned above, please navigate to You can view the Swagger documentation and endpoints for the API here:

Setup/Installation Requirements

Cloning the repository

To view this application, you must clone it to your computer. To do so,

  1. Locate and click the green Code button at the top of this repository, and choose the option to Download ZIP.
  2. Once downloaded, navigate to your Downloads folder and extract the contents to a location of your choosing.

Running this project

To utilize this project, you must simultaneously run the application for the API interface, located here. Failing to do so will result in error, as the project will not run.

Once you have the API interface up and running,

  • Open a terminal and browse to the TravelClient.Solution folder.
  • Type the following command
    • dotnet watch run
  • Navigate to http://localhost:5003/Destinations in your browser

Known Bugs

  • There is no authentication present at this time.



Copyright (c) 3-31-2022 Daniel Lindsey and Sarah Espinet