
A Nix/NixOS configuration using flakes to help you get started quickly

Getting Started

  • Fork this repo if you want to be able to save your customizations. For example, name it nixconfig.


  • Download the ISO and write it to a flash drive
  • Install using the GUI installer or terminal
nix-shell -p git
git clone<GITHUB_USER>/nixconfig.git
cd nixconfig
cp /etc/nixos/*.nix systems/nixos
nano flake.nix
  • Modify the flake.nix where it says "CHANGE ME" to the user you set up on installation
  • Press ctrl+x to exit nano and select yes to save.
nano systems/nixos/configuration.nix
  • Allow docker access: Under you user extraGroups add "docker" inside the brackets [ ]
  • Use ZSH shell by default: On the line under extraGroups add shell = "/etc/profiles/per-user/USERNAME/bin/zsh"; (replace USERNAME with your username)
  • You can remove user specific packages since we are managing them using home-manager, delete the following lines:
    packages = with pkgs; [
    #  thunderbird
  • Press ctrl+x to exit nano and select yes to save.
sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .#nixos
sudo reboot


docker-compose run --name mynix nix bash
home-manager switch --flake .#docker

Note: be careful of running docker system prune while the container is stopped since it will delete it

To restart the container after a reboot run:

docker start -i mynix

Adding software

  • You can search for software from this site: The name of the package is the red text next to Name in the results
  • Add the package to home.packages in home/default.nix or home/graphical.nix if it is GUI software
  • Then run:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#


  • Updates are manual, so set a calander event every Friday etc. to update your system
  • All software, including the OS is locked to the nixpkgs git version in flake.lock, to update this run:
nix flake update
  • Then run this to apply and reboot
sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .#
sudo reboot
  • Once you are confident everything is working, you can remove old generations with
sudo nix-collect-garbage -d