
SObject factory that can be used in unit tests to create test data.

Primary LanguageApex


SObject factory that can be used in unit tests to create test data.

Deploy to your Salesforce org: https://githubsfdeploy.herokuapp.com/?owner=dhoechst&repo=Salesforce-Test-Factory


// The TestFactory will pre-fill all the fields we typically need
Account a = (Account)TestFactory.createSObject(new Account());
insert a;

// You can also set values to be used. Any values set in the constructor will override the defaults
Opportunity o = (Opportunity)TestFactory.createSObject(new Opportunity(AccountId = a.Id));

// You can also specify a specific set of overrides for different scenarios
Account a = (Account)TestFactory.createSObject(new Account(), 'TestFactory.AccountDefaults');

// Finally, get a bunch of records for testing bulk
Account[] aList = (Account[])TestFactory.createSObjectList(new Account(), 200);