
A collection of awesome browser extensions for Salesforce.

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A collection of awesome browser extensions for Salesforce. Read complete list of awesome-salesforce resources.

Toggle it   

To debug javascript on visualforce page in Salesforce.com, quite often user have to turn off 'Development Mode' on and off. This application will let you toggle on/off in one click in and no time and makes life easy for your debug JavaScript on pages. The objective is to make life easy for developer and make a handy tool

Force.com Login    

This extension manages your salesforce.com login information and lets you quickly login. Most of the Force.com developers have multiple accounts, and they are tired of entering username and password every time they move from an account to the other

Force Console  

This extension manages your salesforce.com debug logs, displays all your org's metadata objects and many more features. Add it to your Chrome, to play around with all features

Salesforce Navigator  

Using this extension, you can navigate to any Salesforce setup page just by hitting a configurable keyboard shortcut, then enter some search text. The best thing about this extension is that it comes up on your browser like Apple’s spotlight and you don’t need to navigate to any other page.

Salesforce advanced Code searcher  

Use this extension to search of Code modules, shows up on your Setup page

Salesforce Developer Tool Suite  

Very useful extension for viewing and managing your logs without leaving your current Salesforce tab. It also has other great features like adding a log request for the current user, filtering logs, and log options

Salesforce API Fieldnames  

This simple yet usefull extension replaces all field labels of an object detail page (standard layout) with the corresponding API names.

Salesforce.con ID Converter  

Quick Salesforce ID converter from 15 to 18 digit format.