Helpful Ghidra Scripts


  1. Place scripts in Ghidra scripts directory (~/ghidra_scripts by default)
  2. In the Script Manager window (Window -> Script Manager), checking the In Tool checkbox will add any keyboard or menu bindings


Script Description Key Menu Automatically rebases a relocatable ELF to the default used by GDB Ctrl+Shift+B Tools -> Helpers -> Auto-Rebase Finds references to potentially unsafe glibc functions Ctrl+Shift+S Tools -> Helpers -> Find-Unsafe Creates a listener that will intepret location update commands - Tools -> Helpers -> Ghidra-Server

Note that the python socket implementation for Ghidra has a bug. Apply _socket.patch before running:

patch -d ~/ghidra_9.0.4/Ghidra/Features/Python/data/jython-2.7.1/Lib < _socket.patch

A script for integrating pwndbg with GhidraServer for live updates while debugging can be found here. Just run source /path/to/ in a pwndbg session.