
Random Active GitHub Repositories Fetcher

Primary LanguagePython

Random Repos


Random Repos is a Python script tht uses the GitHub API to fetch random active repositories based on recent activity and summarize their READMEs if they have them. Many repositories will not have a README O.o, so they are ommitted from repo_summaries.md, but still tracked in randomActiveGits.md. This tool is especially useful for developers looking to discover new projects, trends, or technologies within the GitHub community.

Table of Contents


To install Random Repos, you'll need Python 3.x and pip. Clone this repository or download the script directly. Then, install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To use Random Repos, execute the script with Python and specify the desired number of repositories to fetch using the -n or --number argument:

python randomRepos.py --number 100


Be aware that the script uses GPT-4 by default, so it is up to you to monitor token usage

As an example, -n 100 fetches resulted in ~40 summaries written, which took ~7 minutes and used $0.30 at tier 4 as of the latest update.


The script outputs 2 files:

randomActiveGits.md Keeps track of all of the repositories fetched repo_summaries.md Contains summaries of only repositories that contain README files


  • Fetches active GitHub repositories based on recent activity.
  • Summarizes READMEs of fetched repositories using OpenAI's API.
  • Filters out already listed repositories to avoid duplicates.
  • Generates markdown files for easy viewing and sharing.


  • requests: For making HTTP requests to GitHub's API.
  • beautifulsoup4: For parsing HTML content.
  • openai: To access OpenAI's API for summarizing READMEs.


Ensure you have set the following environment variables before running the script:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Your GitHub API token.
  • OPENAI_API_TOKEN: Your OpenAI API key.


For more detailed information about each function and its usage, refer to the inline comments within the script.


Example of running the script to fetch and summarize 100 repositories:

python3 randomReposnew.py -n 100
Script started.
New Repositories Found: 100
Total Repositories in File Now: 100
Summaries Generated: 30
Script ended.
Execution Time: 0:02:04.238312


If you encounter any issues regarding missing environment variables, ensure you have correctly set GITHUB_TOKEN and OPENAI_API_TOKEN in your environment.


Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting pull requests or opening issues.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.