
Example single page application (SPA) running PHP on Google App Engine with AngularJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What does it do?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

It's a SPA with a single .php file running an Angular application.


  • You'll need to the Node Package Manager (npm), which should have come with Node.js, which means you'll need Node.js as well. Get Node.js here if you don't have it already.
  • You'll need bower, which means you'll need to install it with npm: npm install bower -g
  • You'll need the Google App Engine PHP SDK, which you can find here.


  1. Install the bower dependencies: bower install
  2. Create an app.yaml file by copying app.example.yaml to a new file called app.yaml. Update the application parameter in this file to match the application ID you have in App Engine.
  3. Generate the Google Closure dependencies (you might need to do this every time you update a JS file). The command is: ./bin/genjsdeps.sh.

Running Locally

On Mac


Make sure you have the SDK installed. The command to run the application might be:

google_appengine/dev_appserver.py path-to-this-application/

If this does not work for you, see the Linux section down below.

On Linux

Note: On Linux, if you are using more than one App Engine SDKs, (for example, you have both the PHP and Go/Python/Java SDKs) then you need to specify the full path dev_appserver.py in the PHP SDK, to make sure you do not run the dev server for the wrong SDK.

The command to run the local server looks like:

/path/to/dev_appserver.py --php_executable_path=/path/to/php-cgi path-to-this-application/

For example:

/usr/local/lib/php_appengine/dev_appserver.py --php_executable_path=/usr/bin/php-cgi php-appengine-example/


Coming Soon.