This tutorial assumes you have gone through the previous Introduction to Development using Containers tutorial. As a refresher the architecture we followed was:
We will quickly go over the prerequisites and the base containers that need to be setup and running before we get into the details on how to get Docker containers communicate with each other.
- Have Docker installed
- Cloned this repository to your local machine with a terminal up and running
- Check that your Docker is running with the following command
docker run hello-world
Install Docker Desktop
- To make sure we can run multiple container go to Docker>Preferences>Resources and in "Memory" make sure you have selected > 4GB
Follow the instructions for your operating system.
If you already have a preferred text editor, skip this step.
- Clone or download from here
- Run
docker container ls
- Stop any container that is running
- Run
docker system prune
- Run
docker image ls
Type the command
cd frontend-app
- Run
for windows
To install a new node package use npm install <package name>
from the docker shell
To run development web server run http-server
from the docker shell
Test the API service by going to http://localhost:8080/
First let is create a persistent-folder
that will be used to save the downloaded images and also mounted to multiple containers so we can share content between containers.
- Create a folder
at the same level as our container folders. So you should have your directories like this:
├── api-service
├── database-server
├── download-images
├── frontend-app
└── persistent-folder
Type the command
cd download-images
- Run
for windows
in the download-images
directory to startup (build and run) the docker container. The container contains a Linux kernel and will install all dependencies for the image downloader. Running this command for the first time will take around 90 seconds (depending on the system you're using). This command automatically builds and runs the Docker container, where you should automatically be entered into the Linux kernel in the app Python virtual environment.
If you exit
the Docker container, and run the command docker images | grep download-images
, you'll see some nice information about the image name, tag, image ID, creation date, and size
Now that you are inside the Docker container, run the example command
python -m cli --nums 10 --search "oyster mushrooms" "crimini mushrooms" "amanita mushrooms" --opp "search"
python -m cli --opp "verify"
is the number of images to downloadsearch
contains the search termsopp
is the operation whether tosearch
the images
Images will be downloaded in a sub-directory named persistent-folder/dataset
Type the command
cd api-service
- Run
for windows
To install a new python package use pipenv install requests
from the docker shell
To run development api service run uvicorn_server
from the docker shell
Test the API service by going to http://localhost:9500/
In the this section we will be setting up containers so that they talk to each other. The following architecture shows what we are going to do today:
Here we will setup a database server and a database client. We will use PostgreSQL as our database server and dbmate as our database client and migration tool.
Type the command
cd database-server
- Run
for windows - Can exit the docker shell without shutting down by typing
- Can reconnect to docker shell by typing...
- Check migration status:
dbmate status
- To shut down docker container, type
psql postgres://itc:awesome@itcdb-server:5436/itcdb
in the docker shell -
Format to connect to postgres: postgres://:@i:/
Since we do not have any tables created we can check on some system tables, Run this select query
select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,table_type from information_schema.tables limit 10;
Next let us create a table in the database
Exit from the DB prompt so we are back in the dbmate prompt
dbmate new image_metadata
, this will create a migration file
dbmate --help # print usage help
dbmate new # generate a new migration file
dbmate up # create the database (if it does not already exist) and run any pending migrations
dbmate create # create the database
dbmate drop # drop the database
dbmate migrate # run any pending migrations
dbmate rollback # roll back the most recent migration
dbmate down # alias for rollback
dbmate status # show the status of all migrations (supports --exit-code and --quiet)
dbmate dump # write the database schema.sql file
dbmate wait # wait for the database server to become available
- In the migration file we just created added the following table creation scripts:
CREATE TABLE image_metadata (
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS image_metadata;
- Run the DB migration so we create the table in the database. Run
dbmate up
(see db/migrations for what tables are created). - Run
psql postgres://itc:awesome@itcdb-server:5436/itcdb
in the docker shell and run the queryselect * from image_metadata;
The table should exist but no data. - Exit from the DB prompt so we are back in the dbmate prompt
- Run
dbmate rollback
to test our removing tables from the database - Run
dbmate up
again so we have the new table for storing image meta data in our database