
Dev using Postgres & GCP Cloud SQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Development using a Database

An application that will use a local postgres database and when deployed setup and use a Cloud SQL Database


Install Docker

Install Docker Desktop

Ensure Docker Memory

  • To make sure we can run multiple container go to Docker>Preferences>Resources and in "Memory" make sure you have selected > 4GB

Install VSCode

Follow the instructions for your operating system.
If you already have a preferred text editor, skip this step.

Database Server

  • cd database-server
  • Start docker shell sh ./docker-shell.sh
  • Can exit the docker shell without shutting down by typing ctrl+d
  • Can reconnect to docker shell by typing...
  • Check migration status: dbmate status
  • To shut down docker container, type ctrl+c

Create a new migration script

These would have no tables created, and will update the schema.sql

dbmate new base_tables

dbmate new seed_data

Running Migrations

dbmate up (see db/migrations for what tables are created)

dbmate rollback

dbmate dump

dbmate status

API Service

  • cd api-service
  • Start docker shell sh ./docker-shell.sh

To install a new python package use pipenv install requests from the docker shell

To run development api service run uvicorn_server from the docker shell

Test the API service by going to

  • We want to run the local database-server before api-service because we want to have the API set up a connection to the database