
Model Deployment Demo

Primary LanguagePython

Cheese App: Model Deployment Demo

In this tutorial we will deploy a model to Vertex AI:

Setup Environments

In this tutorial we will setup a container to manage building and deploying models to Vertex AI Model Registry and Model Endpoints.

Clone the github repository

  • Clone or download from here

API's to enable in GCP for Project

Search for each of these in the GCP search bar and click enable to enable these API's

  • Vertex AI API

Setup GCP Credentials

Next step is to enable our container to have access to Storage buckets & Vertex AI(AI Platform) in GCP.

Create a local secrets folder

It is important to note that we do not want any secure information in Git. So we will manage these files outside of the git folder. At the same level as the model-deployment folder create a folder called secrets

Your folder structure should look like this:


Setup GCP Service Account

  • Here are the step to create a service account:
  • To setup a service account you will need to go to GCP Console, search for "Service accounts" from the top search box. or go to: "IAM & Admins" > "Service accounts" from the top-left menu and create a new service account called "model-deployment". For "Service account permissions" select "Storage Admin", "AI Platform Admin", "Vertex AI Administrator".
  • This will create a service account
  • On the right "Actions" column click the vertical ... and select "Manage keys". A prompt for Create private key for "model-deployment" will appear select "JSON" and click create. This will download a Private key json file to your computer. Copy this json file into the secrets folder. Rename the json file to model-deployment.json

Create GCS Bucket

We need a bucket to store the saved model files that we will be used by Vertext AI to deploy models.

  • Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser
  • Create a bucket cheese-app-models-demo [REPLACE WITH YOUR BUCKET NAME]

Run Container

Run docker-shell.sh

Based on your OS, run the startup script to make building & running the container easy

  • Make sure you are inside the model-deployment folder and open a terminal at this location
  • Run sh docker-shell.sh

Prepare Model for Deployment

Our model weights are stored in WandB following the serverless training we did in the previous tutorials. In this step, we’ll download the model and then upload it to a GCS bucket, enabling Vertex AI to access it for deployment to an endpoint.

Since accessing WandB requires permission to Pavlos account, we’ve instead moved the model to GitHub. In cli.py, you’ll see the code for downloading from WandB is commented out to reflect this adjustment.

  • Run python cli.py --prepare, this will download the model from our saved location after training, prepare the model and then upload to the specified bucket in GCS_MODELS_BUCKET_NAME

Upload & Deploy Model to Vertex AI

In this step we first upload our model to Vertex AI Model registry. Then we deploy the model as an endpoint in Vertex AI Online prediction.

  • Run python cli.py --deploy, this option will both upload and deploy model to Vertex AI
  • This will take a few minutes to complete
  • Once the model has been deployed the endpoint will be displayed. The endpoint will be similar to: projects/129349313346/locations/us-central1/endpoints/5072058134046965760

Test Predictions

  • Update the endpoint uri in cli.py
  • Run python cli.py --predict
  • You should see results similar to this:
Predict using endpoint
image_files: ['data/oyster_3.jpg', 'data/oyster_2.jpg', 'data/oyster_1.jpg', 'data/oyster_4.jpg', 'data/crimini_1.jpg']
Image: data/amanita_2.jpg
Result: Prediction(predictions=[[0.0887121782, 0.0439011417, 0.867386699]], deployed_model_id='3704450387047088128', model_version_id='1', model_resource_name='projects/129349313346/locations/us-central1/models/8243511463436615680', explanations=None)
[0.0887121782, 0.0439011417, 0.867386699] 2
Label:    amanita 

Image: data/oyster_4.jpg
Result: Prediction(predictions=[[0.986440122, 0.00689249625, 0.0066674049]], deployed_model_id='3704450387047088128', model_version_id='1', model_resource_name='projects/129349313346/locations/us-central1/models/8243511463436615680', explanations=None)
[0.986440122, 0.00689249625, 0.0066674049] 0
Label:    oyster 

Image: data/oyster_2.jpg
Result: Prediction(predictions=[[0.80594486, 0.0182529744, 0.175802067]], deployed_model_id='3704450387047088128', model_version_id='1', model_resource_name='projects/129349313346/locations/us-central1/models/8243511463436615680', explanations=None)
[0.80594486, 0.0182529744, 0.175802067] 0
Label:    oyster