
LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

Set Up Directions

In the command line, type 'npm install' to download node packages. Go to package.json file to view dependencies.

How to Use GiftHub

  1. choose from the following commands: my-tweets, spotify-this-song, movie-this, do-what-it-says
  2. If my-tweets was selected, the last 20 tweets from KhloeKardashian will appear
  3. If spotify-this-song was selected enter in a song and artist as two separate commands to display the artist, song title, album, and preview link
  4. if movie-this was selected, enter in a movie name to display information regarding that movie
  5. If do-what-it-says was selected, the application will read a separate .txt file and perform whatever directsion are listed in that file

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • AJAX for API GET/POST requests
    • Twitter, Spotify, OMBD
  • Node.js (npm)
