
My notes and solutions to Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) 2nd ed.

Primary LanguageScheme

SICP notes and solutions

These are my personal notes and solutions to SICP, 2nd ed. The exercise solutions (in Scheme Lisp) are occasionally accompanied with an additional document describing how I reached the solution.

The Markdown documents are written in Kramdown, which allows me to embed KaTeX-compatible markup.

VSCode setup

  • Install yzhang.markdown-all-in-one and goessner.mdmath.

  • Go into Settings > @ext:yzhang.markdown-all-in-one

  • Disable Markdown > Extension > Math. This disables markdown-all-in-one's basic KaTeX engine and favors mdmath's more advanced KaTeX engine.

  • Restart VSCode.

In my workflow, I usually use a split view, with raw MarkDown on the left and the rendered preview output on the right. I really should have some kind of script that compiles these Kramdown files into PDFs, but that's another entry on the to-do stack about to overflow.

Favorite exercises

  • 1-19