DYOM Site repository


If you'd like to run a server to preview your notes, you'll have to install Hugo.

Run yarn in root directory to install the packages needed to generate the css.

Otherwise, just updating the md for your notes and adding the appropriate Hugo headers should be sufficient.

Contribute notes!

With Hugo

  1. (If you're making a new page) create a new file for the notes. In this project's root folder, run:
$ hugo new notes/My-Topic.md
  1. Add your notes in the file
  2. Check how it looks by running a dev server
$ hugo server -D
  1. Remember to set the draft setting in the front matter to false.
  2. Open a PR here with your notes as a new file under the /notes/ folder. Remember to request a merge into the source branch.

Without Hugo

  1. Add a Markdown file in the content/notes directory with your notes.
  2. Remember to add hugo front matter.
  3. Open a PR as above.