
This application is built using PHP/Laravel and Docker. This application is responsible for listening to CommentWritten and LessonWatched events to determine if a user is eligible for a new achievement or Badge.

Primary LanguagePHP

Photography Courses

This application is built using PHP/Laravel and Docker. This application is responsible for listening to CommentWritten and LessonWatched events to determine if a user is eligible for a new achievement or Badge.

Run Locally

Clone the project

 git clone https://github.com/dlrdelarocha/photography-courses.git

Go to the project directory

  cd photography-courses

1.- Ensure that Docker y Docker Compose Compose are installed on your machine.

2.- Run the following command to build the Docker containers:

docker-compose build

3.- Start the Docker containers in detached mode:

 docker-compose up -d

4.- Install Composer dependencies:

 composer install


Run database migrations and seeders:

  docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate --seed

Testing with Postman

To test the application using Postman, import the provided Postman collection that includes sample requests:

Postman Collection

1.- Execute requests for endpoints:



These endpoints trigger the LessonWatched and CommentWritten events, which in turn call the UnlockAchievement listener responsible for checking if a user has unlocked a new achievement.

Note: The UserSeeder assigns comments and watched lessons to the user.

2.- Finally After completing the steps above, you can call the endpoint http://localhost/users/{userId}/achievements
to verify that the data is correct.

Automated Tests

This project includes unit tests to test models, listeners, and controllers. Run the tests using the following command:

  php artisan test


Texto alternativo


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.