
Hack library for converting untyped data to typed data.

Primary LanguageHackISC LicenseISC

TypeAssert Build Status

Hack library for converting untyped data to typed data.

Requires HHVM 3.12 or newer.


TypeAssert provides several static methods that take a mixed input, and will either return it unmodified (but with type data) or throw an exception; for example:

<?hh // strict
use \FredEmmott\TypeAssert\TypeAssert;
function need_string(string $bar): void {

function main(): void {
  needs_string(TypeAssert::isString('foo')); // type-safe and works fine
  needs_string(TypeAssert::isString(123)); // type-safe, but throws

These include:

  • isString(mixed): string
  • isInt(mixed): int
  • isFloat(mixed): float
  • isBool(mixed): bool
  • isResource(mixed): resource
  • isNum(mixed): num
  • isArrayKey(mixed): arraykey
  • isNotNull<T>(?T): T
  • isInstanceOf<T>(classname<T>, mixed): T
  • isClassnameOf<T>(classname<T>, mixed): classname<T>
  • matchesTypeStructure<T>(TypeStructure<T>, mixed): T

matchesTypeStructure<T>(TypeStructure<T>, mixed): T

Asserts that a variable matches the given type structure; these can be arbitrary nested shapes. This is particular useful for dealing with JSON responses.

<?hh // strict
class Foo {
  const TAPIResponse = shape(
    'id' => int,
    'user' => string,
    'data' => shape(
      /* ... */

  public static function getAPIResponse(): self::TAPIResponse {
    $json_string = file_get_contents('https://api.example.com');
    $array = json_decode($json_string, /* associative = */ true);
    return TypeAssert::matchesTypeStructure(
      type_structure(self::class, 'TAPIResponse'),

You can use type_structure() to get a TypeStructure<T> for a type constant, or ReflectionTypeAlias::getTypeStructure() for top-level type aliases.


TypeStructure<T>, type_structure(), and ReflectionTypeAlias::getTypeStructures() are experimental features of HHVM, and not supported by Facebook or the HHVM team. Expect them to break with some future HHVM release.

This library is based on these APIs anyway as there is not currently a viable alternative.

isNotNull<T>(?T): T

Throws if it's null, and refines the type otherwise - for example:

<?hh // strict
use \FredEmmott\TypeAssert\TypeAssert;

function needs_string(string $foo): void {}
function needs_int(int $bar): void {}

function main(?string $foo, ?int bar): void {
  needs_string(TypeAssert::isNotNull($foo)); // ?string => string
  needs_int(TypeAssert::isNotNull($bar)); // ?int => int

isInstanceOf<T>(classname<T>, mixed): T

Asserts that the input is an object of the given type; for example:

use \FredEmmott\TypeAssert\TypeAssert;

class Foo {}

function needs_foo(Foo $foo): void {}

function main(mixed $foo): void {
  needs_foo(TypeAssert::isInstanceOf(Foo::class, $foo));

main(new Foo());

isClassnameOf<T>(classname<T>, mixed): classname<T>

Asserts that the input is the name of a child of the specified class, or implements the specified interface.

<?hh // strict
use \FredEmmott\TypeAssert\TypeAssert;

class Foo {
  public static function doStuff(): void {}
class Bar extends Foo {
  public static function doStuff(): void {
    // specialize here

function needs_foo_class(classname<Foo> $foo): void {

function main(mixed $class): void {
  needs_foo_class(TypeAssert::isClassnameOf(Foo::class, $class));



This library is a reimplementation of ideas from:

  • @admdikramr
  • @ahupp
  • @dlreeves
  • @periodic1236
  • @schrockn

The good ideas are theirs, any mistakes are mine :)


This software is distributed under the ISC license - see LICENSE file in this directory for details.