
Lightweight Spigot plugin which is able to block certain plugin commands in specific worlds

Primary LanguageKotlin


Lightweight Spigot plugin which is able to block certain plugin commands in specific worlds.


You can configure this plugin through a config.yml. Players with the permission pwl.bypass will be ignored.

# The message which should be send when a command gets blocked
plugin-disabled-message: '&cSorry, but you can''t use this command here!'
# The name of the world for this configuration section
# You can add other ones in the same way
  # The plugins whose commands should not be executable in this world.
  - WeirdPlugin1
  - WeirdPlugin2
  # All commands starting with these will be executed
  # even if they are blocked in the section above
  - allowedcommand1
  - allowedcommand2 test :)


You can download the plugin from SpigotMC or the releases page.


  1. git clone https://github.com/dlsf/PluginWorldLimiter/
  2. cd PluginWorldLimiter
  3. ./gradlew build on Unix operating systems or gradlew.bat build on Windows
  4. Locate the .jar file in the build/libs folder


Feel free to open new issues with feature requests or create your own pull requests.


You can contact me on my support Discord.