- alessandrodepalma
- bethelhallCS PhD @ Stevens Institute of Technology
- ChristopherBrixAachen, Germany
- cxlvinchauTU Dresden
- dlshriver@less-lab-uva
- dwil2444University of Virginia
- elbaumUniversity of Virginia
- elhusseinialiNational University of Singapore
- ENM1989
- Felipetoledo4815@less-lab-uva
- ferasbgChicago, IL
- gigo-gigo
- harkiratbehlMicrosoft Research
- hildebrandt-carlUniversity of Virginia
- j29scottUniversity of Waterloo
- kamalfarahaniUniversity of Tehran
- Kurayuri
- LindaLamouchiTunisia
- listatofreelance
- maralbusStuttgart
- marcosaelzerUniversity of Kassel
- matthewbdwyerUniversity of Virginia
- naizhengtanNortheastern University
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- Osmiridium
- pat676United Kingdom
- pranavashokMunich, Germany
- rdesmartin
- samyswebKarlsruhe
- sergedurand
- shouc@fuzzland @ucbrise
- ttjVanderbilt University
- v-larcher
- windddNortheastern University
- zhang-lingyun
- Zhang-XiyueChina