
This is the node module that can be extended to create the email app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the node module that can be extended to create your email service

###Register Partial: You can register .hjs for use as a partial in the email templates

app.njax.email.registerPartial('_footer', app.njax.config.app_dir + '/public/templates/partials/_footer.hjs');

###Register Templates:

You can register your hjs templates that will render with the NJax event data that is passed in as follows:

			subject:"Your Password For Your NJax Account",
			html_template:path.join(app.njax.config.tpl_dir', 'auth', 'forgot.pass.hjs')

####Config Variables:

#####subject: This can ether be a string or a function that take function as follows:

	subject:function(event, data){
        return "A new project has been created: " + data.project.name;

#####html_template: This is the path to the .hjs html template:

html_template:path.join(app.njax.config.tpl_dir', 'auth', 'forgot.pass.hjs')

#####populate_users: This is the path to the .hjs html template:

 function(accounts, event, data, cb){
        //Load all Profiles from that Location
        return app.sdk.Account.find({ /* ...your query ... */ }, function(err, accounts){
            if(err) return cb(err);
            return cb(null, accounts);

##Email Settings:

You can create settings that your users can switch on and off that will filter out various email using the following code

    app.njax.email.createSetting('basic', {
		name:'Basic Info Emails',
		desc:'Emails about basic stuff',
		filter:function(event, data, cb){
			var matches_namespace =  _.include([
			], event);
			return cb(null, matches_namespace);


NOTE: This is not quite ready yet

###Setting up a route:
The following code `'projects.*'` will take any email that comes in with a user of 'projects.my_project_namespace' and look up the actual **Project** entity from the core module.

app.njax.email.registerPostmarkInbound( 'projects.*', function(email_address, email_data, next){ var address_parts = email_address.match(/(projects).(\S+)@(\S+.\S+)/);

		var project_namespace = address_parts[3];
		//Load this project
		return app.sdk.Project.find({ namespace: project_namespace }, function(err, project){
			if(err) return next(err);
			return next();
		//This should be a project comment
